Burn Regulations, February 8, 2016

Before Burning, call 386.1550 or check the Fire Blog for updated burn status. Example burning regulations forms in both english and spanish are available below.
Burn-Permits-Example.pdfOpen Fires: Shall be limited in size and shall conform to the following.
a. No open fires shall be kindled within fifty feet (50') of any property line, public right of way, building, fence, or combustible growth. Adequate provision shall be made to prevent fire from spreading. Garden hose and shovel shall be available near the burn site.
b. Burning uncut standing grass, brush or vegetation is prohibited. (Call and ask for a special burning permit and a fire inspector will inspect the burning site).
c. Burning after dusk or dawn is prohibited. Burning hours from May - October will be from 6:00 a.m. - 11 a.m. November - May burning hours are 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
d. Open fires shall be constantly attended by a competent person (see "a" above).
e. The burning of objectionable materials such as; rubber, roofing, plastics, or any material which can pollute the air or damage the property of others is prohibited and subject to fine.
f. Burning is prohibited at all times when a general fire permit ban is in effect.
g. BURN BARRELS: Shall be located in a 10ft. clear area, 25 ft. from buidings or other combustibles. Provide a 1/4" wire screen over top of barrel. Burn barrels must be in good condition.
h. WINDY CONDITIONS: Not advisable to burn during windy conditions.
i. SMOKE POLLUTION: Be aware of smoke conditions that may impose undue problems to neighbors. Do not allow fire to smolder. Turn ashes occasionally. Complaints may cause termination of permit.