Training Program

The Training Program is overseen by the Training Captain and various Instructors to ensure we provide high quality training.
The Training group conducts and coordinates all department training activities including but not limited to recruit training, fire suppression, emergency medical, technical rescue, officer development and other training programs as necessary to meet established state and federal mandates each year. The group is responsible for ensuring that all department members meet the requirements as set forth by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Insurance Services Office (ISO), Oregon Dept. of Public Safety, Standards and Training, Oregon Health Authority, and the internal requirements by the Fire Department.
West Side Fire District Training Information:
WSFD Fire Training Program 2019
West-Side-RFPD-Annual-Checkoff-Sheet.pdfOur Training staff make up the majority of the instructors for the CGTA Academy. The CGTA Academy is offered annually and runs from September – April on Monday nights at our training station on Barrett Drive. The academy is open to all Agencies of the Columbia Gorge Training Association.
CGTA Calendar and Course Information 2019: